Flyers arrived from VistaPrint

Views: 559

Today the door bell rang and there stood a guy in brown clothes, from top to tow. The UPS. A small package of 2,2 kg had arrived, wrapped in brown 😉 paper.
Last Thursday at midnight, the layout and design was ready to be order at the VistaPrint website. With express delivery it took 3 working days to be delivered. Not bad since VistaPrint prints and deliver from Holland (and Im in Sweden).
So now Im ready to hand out the good news.

flyer vista print

1000 flyers with a total weight of 2,2 kg, 390 swedish krona.
And here is where VistaPrint makes the money; Express delivery, which is the second fastest option, 270 swedish krona.

2,2 kg is too much to carry on el Camino for example. But the Postal office in Spain has a very good transfer service for the pilgrims. You can send your rucksack, bicycle, luggage, small packages e t c to a certain town or village along the route.
Many pilgrims found out that some of their items they dont use, or they maybe want to use them later on the way. Or their backpacks might be to heavy too carry for some.
The Correos have a network of over one hundred offices and associates (tiendas amigas) located on the 800 km French way.

Spanish postal office; Correos, parcel, packages

I will probably send parts of the flyers to a section of the way ahead of my walk.
You can visit this el Camino service at Correos el Camino transfers

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