Camino Frances 2024

Views: 368

You probably came to this page because you have received our flyer. We are in Spain where we walk the Camino Frances. If you want to know more about this flyer you can start the presentation below:

I came to faith in Jesus 2012. I was a business man in Sweden when I had a radical and supernatural encounter with God. Here you can read my testimony.

More and more movies will be published here, from the Camino this April and May 2024. At the moment I have managed to edit and upload five videos on YouTube. Hope you will enjoy watching them and that the music with it’s lyrics will have an impact on you.

This link will take you to a playlist on YouTube with all our videos from walking the Camino Frances in Spain in 2017 and 2024.

Pilgrim's progress
Pilgrim’s Progress

We recommend watching the animated movie Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan, if you would like to have a wider understanding what challenges lies ahead as a follower of Christ. We are all pilgrims while we walk here on earth, we are just ” passing through”. Here you can watch it for free.

“You are invited to walk with God”, short audio teaching by Bible teacher Derek Prince:

Start of the Camino Continue reading “Camino Frances 2024”

New Testament overview

Views: 4

NT contains 27 books and letters, probably written before the destruction of Jerusalem 70 AD but definitely after Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection.

Matthew: A brief history of the life of Christ, pointing to Jesus as the promised Messiah.

Mark: The briefest and most fast-paced history of the life of Christ.

Luke: The history of the life of Christ, focusing on his important miracles and teachings.

John: The life of Christ, including many teachings and events not recorded by the other gospel authors.
Acts: The history of the apostles and the early Christian church.

Romans: Paul writes extensively on key realities of Christian belief and justification by faith alone.

1 Corinthians: Paul speaks to the errors of the church in Corinth.

2 Corinthians: Paul encourages the church in Corinth and defends his character.
Galatians: Paul’s letter points out that believers are justified by faith, not by our own efforts.

Ephesians: Paul’s positive letter focuses on God’s amazing grace and urges the church to live in love.

Philippians: Paul writes on Christian contentment, unity and kindness.
Colossians: Paul warns his audience against following false teaching, focusing on Jesus’ work of salvation.

1 Thessalonians: Paul encourages his listeners to continue to live in a way that pleases God.

2 Thessalonians: Paul encourages the church and talks about Jesus’ second coming.
1 and 2 Timothy: Paul encourages and in.structs his young student Timothy in his role as a pastor.

Titus: Paul encourages Titus in his role as Philemon: Paul asks a believing slave owner to treat a believing slave with kindness.
Hebrews: A discourse on how Jesus is the ultimate and permanent fulfillment of the Mosaic Law.

James: A letter from Jesus’ brother on the necessity of combining faith with work.

1 and 2 Peter: The apostle warns and encourages his audience as they live their Christian lives.

1 John: John elegantly explains basic truths about the Christian life.

2 John: John warns a believing lady about false teachers.

3 John: John’s letter to a believing man thanking him for his hospitality.

Jude: A letter warning Christians against those who try to deceive them.

Revelation: John’s vision of the exalted Christ and the future of the church.

The love of God was so overwhelming!

Views: 684

Throughout his upbringing, David’s heart was passionate for Islam and he was a jihadist who wanted to get Christians to convert to Islam. But God brought him from his home country to Sweden – where he met God. The emptiness he had felt disappeared and for the first time in his life; he felt loved.
33-year-old David, likes to carry the Bible under his arm. It’s “my weapon,”as he describes it. But there was a time in David’s life when he was searching for completely different weapons.

Born and raised in a strict, Muslim family in Afghanistan, it was Islamic thoughts that characterized him. He tried to be the best Muslim he could. All he did was to honor Muhammed. David, born with a Muslim name, hated Jews. He thought Christians were “poisonous” and felt that they were not following God’s path properly.
But deep in his heart he felt an emptiness, he felt that there had to be something deeper and he have always had a longing for it.

David tried to fill the void inside in different ways. First by investing in kung-fu, where he got a black belt. Then in kickboxing, where he also reached the top. In both sports he discovered that there was a “roof” that could not be lifted – then there was no more. The emptiness persisted. He have been at the top of the martial arts, but still his soul just got weaker.

Later he joined forces with jihadists and wanted to go to Syria and to fight in the war, assured that this was the path the Quran urged him to take if he wanted to come to paradise. He wanted to go out in jihad [holy war; red note]. He needed to kill another man to get to heaven, that was the promise of Allah. So he was convinced and desired to die in battle. But he never came to Syria. Thanks to the grace of God, David explains today. Continue reading “The love of God was so overwhelming!”

Why you need to study the Bible (and more)

Views: 1115

The knowledge of Jesus (who is the Word in the flesh, see John chapter 1) and the knowledge of the written Word, they cannot be separated. To know the Bible is to know Jesus, and vice versa. It is like knowing the author when reading one of his books.
Further more, Academics (knowledge) must lead to Application (wisdom) which must lead to Compliance (obedience). When you hear the Word you must Obey.

It is elementary and of most importance, that we move from carnality into spirituality. This can only happen when you receive the Holy Spirit. That’s called to be Born Again. When the new Spirit starts to live inside us, our new being, it will not completely destroy the old creature (our old man, bond to sin). They coexist and struggle for control (Romans 7:22-25). “Head knowledge” does not change us. “Heart knowledge” is the objective of the teaching gift. We need a change of heart; from a stony heart into one of flesh. One that is open to God, one that loves God above everything. A heart that truly loves people. Which loves to exercise righteousness (do what is right and pleasing to God). Christianity is really a heart (love) issue. A Christian faith and community should be constituted by personal relationship with God through Christ, a relationship known in the heart rather than through the mind. Ezekiel 18:31; 36:26,27

Bible studies draws the students (disciples) into the Word. It allows us to see how we, and our families and our churches measure up. “Mind the gap!” was the mantra of the prophets, who constantly warned God’s people when they went astray. Reading the Scriptures (Bible) should inspire and encourage others to have the same peace and joy we have, as adopted children of God, through the atonement of Jesus Christ, our King and Lord.

Reading the word and meditate on the Bible verses, should encourages us to press toward the mark when we stumble. It helps us to keep the faith and to have patience while under trouble times. The Bible convicts us when we are wrong – and it mirrors us, we can through the stories see the problematic state (fallen nature) we are in. But it also shows us the way out, and gives us joy when we claim and see the promises of God being fulfilled, for those who listen, obey and fear Him. Continue reading “Why you need to study the Bible (and more)”

The great conspiracy with the United Nations.

Views: 1022

“The question how and why the United Nations are the crooks of the great conspiracy to destroy the sovereignty of United States, and the enslavement of the American people, within a UN One World dictatorship, is a complete and unknown mystery to the vast majority of the American people.
The reason for this unawareness at the frightened danger to our country, and to the entire free world, is simple.
The masterminds behind this great conspiracy, have absolute control of all our mass communication media. Especially Television, the Radio, the Press and Hollywood.”
This quote was made by Myron C Fagan in a 1967 speech.
If he is correct, it means that all the digital communications are also in the hands of the conspirators of mankind, meaning the mobile phones, the computers and the Internet and all social platforms – they are controlled by this global Elite.

So who are the conspirators Myron C Fagan is taking about? In the book of Revelation 18:23-24 we find that they are the global companies and those who became rich by buying and selling. They are the new kings since the kings of old was replaced in violent revolution (French, Russian and Chinese revolutions), in silent coups like assassinations, through blackmail, bribery and secret societies. By wars they took control over nations. By list they took control over central banks. By lending & interest and printing money out of thin air and orchestrating economic recessions and booms they manipulated most of the wealth into their hands.  

“… For your merchants were the great men of the earth, for by your sorcery all the nations were deceived.  “And in her was found the blood of prophets and saints, and of all who were slain on the earth.” Revelation 18:23-24

Jesus blood and righteousness

Views: 816

Jesus blood and righteousness

Jesus your blood and righteousness
My beauty are, my glorious dress;
‘midst flaming worlds, in these arrayed,
with joy I lift up my head!

Bold shall I stand in your Great Day;
for who a charge to me shall lay?
Fully absolved through these I am.
From sin, fear, and guilt and shame.

Through your blood and righteousness,
I am so richly blessed.
By grace I am justified,
redeemed by the Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus be endless praise to You,
whose boundless Mercy did pursue,
and for me full atonement made,
Your blood my ransom paid!

When from the dust of death I rise,
to claim my mansion in the skies,
then this shall still be all my plea,
He lived and died for me!

Oh let the dead now hear Your voice,
now bid the banished ones rejoice,
their beauty this their glorious dress,
Your blood and righteousness.

Love God. Yes! but do you still follow your own desires?

Views: 16360

There is one major root problem for today’s Christians. That’s why I would like to address “We who love God but at the same time choose to follow our own desires.”

Jesus said; “- Go away you workers of iniquity!”
(You say you know me – but I say I don’t know you. There is nothing of me in you) Luke 13:27
What does Jesus mean? And what should we not do?

What we should do is to get away from our croocked ways and behavior. Instead we should get closer to God. Because when we draw ourselves closer to Him – He will get closer to us. And when we have spent time with the Lord, when we are continually filled with His Holy Spirit, we don’t have to struggle to resist our fleshly desires in the same way we otherwise would. Continue reading “Love God. Yes! but do you still follow your own desires?”

The power of Forgiveness

Views: 659

There is power in forgiveness. If for example when you are out evangelizing, ask the person if they are angry or bitter with anyone.
It can be within the family, in school or work place, in past relations. Ask if he or she can forgive. If the person says “yes I can forgive”, then have the person speak it out, by repeating your prayer to Jesus, for example; “- Jesus I forgive the person who have hurt me. Jesus please also forgive me for my wrongdoings.”

What’s in our hearts should come out in a confession, either it’s a confession of sin, wrongdoing, binding or losing e t c, anything you like to declare or proclaim.
Sometimes the person have difficulties in forgetting the past, then remind him that it’s better to let go, and instead to be set free. Remember it’s a difference between forgetting and forgiving.
Some people may say they have forgiven, but as soon as they speak it out, they have difficulties and may suddenly cry. So we are not telling them to forget, but to forgive, so they can let go (and move on and thereby not think of it that much so their hurt and their feelings and emotions can get healed).

Sometimes it can be difficult to forgive someone and speak it out. I usually suggest then, what if we ask Jesus Himself to help us? Like this; “- Jesus help me forgive this person, because I can’t do it on my own.”
You see, when someone sins, he is in debt (and the debt of sin is death). So when we forgive a person who have done anything wrong to us, and hurt us, we set them free from their debts! Continue reading “The power of Forgiveness”

Nothing like your presence Lord!

Views: 575

Nothing like your presence Lord, all I want is to worship you!

There’s nothing like Your presence, Lord
All I want is to be with You
There’s nothing like Your presence, Lord
All I want is to be with You
To be with You
All I want is to worship
You You are God and we worship You
William McDowell – Nothing Like Your Presence ft. Travis Greene & Nathaniel Bassey

When are you saved?

Views: 645

Is the salvation in Christ instantaneous or is it an ongoing process?
Are you saved at the very moment, when you accept Jesus with your mouth, and believe in Him? Many argue it is so, they believe in “once saved – always saved”. “Salvation is a gift, it can’t be earned” or worked for”.

Those who argue that you are saved forever,  from the very moment when you open yourself up to Him and receive Him, and that this blessing and salvation can never be cancelled, that it’s an instant and eternal validation that God will not withdraw, they don’t believe in an ongoing saving rescue process (they can’t understand it); they refer most of the time to these Bible verses:

John 1:12 “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name:”

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

Romans 10:9, 13 “that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. … For “whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.”

David Pawson wrote these lines in his book “Understanding the water baptism”:
“Too many want to be happy in the next life (and in this life; my note) rather than holy in this one. They want to be safe rather than saved.
They are usually looking for an instant, even instantaneous, salvation that can be guaranteed as soon and as quickly as possible. Continue reading “When are you saved?”