Warning: Yoga is The Ancient lie to become as God

Views: 431

My warning is to avoid Yoga.
Yoga is Hinduism, a religion, where you search for enlightment, a higher conscience, to connect with “the Universe”, to become like gods ..

We as humans are just a vessel, containing a Soul and a Spirit.
So be careful what other spirits you let in!
When we die, there is nothing left in this vessel, there is no substance left. We are not gods. And we are mortals.

When we die, we return to the Earth, we become dust.
The only SUBSTANCE is God Himself.
We are just as smoke.

Yoga is demonic, it’s rebellious towards God our Creator.
When we believers in Christ,
who is the ONLY BEGOTTEN SON of God, fill ourselves with The Holy Spirit from God – the practicing Hindu does yoga, and fills himself with demonic spirits, and they trick you into letting them take over your mind, body and soul!
Demons are like parasites and you might not even know you are influenced by them.

The Bible is clear – we are humans with Body, Soul, Spirit and Mind.
We are not like gods, although we are created in God’s image.
That was even the first lie Satan deceived Eve with – so we humans fell collectively. We are sons of Adam – fallen away from God’s glory. Continue reading “Warning: Yoga is The Ancient lie to become as God”

There is no place called Hell!

Views: 402

“And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in Hell (Gehenna is the Greek original word, not “Hell”).”
Matthew 10:28

The term ”Hell” in Matthew 28:10 is not a correct translation in the Bible.
Why is that? Are there evil forces in this world that have willfully led Bible readers into darkness, by translating incorrectly?
Is there an old myth of a place of torment in the underground where you pay forever and ever, for your debts/transgressions/sins?
And has Bible theologians incorporated this pagan belief of an burning place of tormenting, called Hell?

Well let’s look into the original scriptures in the Greek language.
This is what we found in the Blue Letter Bible:
“Hell is the place of the future punishment called “Gehenna” or “Gehenna of fire”.
This was originally the valley of Hinnom, south of Jerusalem, where the filth and dead animals of the city were cast out and burned; a fit symbol of the wicked and their future destruction.“

Gehenna is the correct name, not Hell.
This is according to the actual original Greek text of Matthew 28.
Continue reading “There is no place called Hell!”