Does He have a plan for me?

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For quite some time now, I have really been longing for God to give me the strategy, my own place, for how I fit in, or what the next step is, because I want to see something come about.
I want to launch something, to shake and awake people, but I want to do it within God’s plan.
Until I say “with God’s Grace” and take that step out, I wont see whats in my heart.
I know God has giving me whats in my heart. The dream I have in my heart is there of a reason – its God’s dream too, thats why its there …

Many times I doubt or hesitate: “is this me, or is it the Lord, Im not really sure”. But then, I couldnt have came up with that on my own. Do I even have that just position?
And where are the people?! I cant do this on my own. “The harvest is great but the people working the fields are too few”.
The apostles in the New Testament didnt have to work alone. I pray to God to bring me people, so we can build a team, to equip me with fivefolds, so we can go to work!
Any where its been religion or atheism dominating, and not His Kingdom, so when God call out leaders, many of them doubt and start questioning themselves. But God is not asking them to run the force by them selves.
There is literally thousands and thousands of people, who is questioning what God’s plan is in their lives. But we just have to take that first step out and figure out where we belong. And to test all things and keep what is good.

The Lord is the One who will go before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid or discouraged.” Deu 31:8

I really dont consider myself as a leader. But I can see me as an apostle breaking new grounds, so others can pass through.
The One we all should follow is Jesus, He is the Head of His church, the Body.

If you feel you need to go in a particular direction; do it. God knows what He is doing. For sure there will be resistance, within you and from people around you. And condemnation will follow. And that is the reasons why so many people hold back. Even if you have a direction written in your heart, condemnation through people will come, but remember; its just peoples’s opinions. Condemnation will never come from the true saints, and certainly not from Him.

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